Parking is available along Great North Road and surrounding streets.
Each service would run for about 1 hour and would include the following elements:
1. Songs
2. Prayer
3. News
4. Kids Talk (Morning Church only)
5. Bible reading and Bible talk
6. Most weeks, there will be Question Time.
7. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated
approximately once every 6 weeks.
After the morning service, we have
Morning Tea served outside.
After the evening service, we have Dinner together in the back hall. Once a month, we go out for dinner.
If you are not well, please access church via out YouTube Channel.
Our kids & youth program runs at 9:30am on Sunday
Kids church will run as three groups described below
High school youth Bible study for years 7-9 during the church service. Senior high schoolers are invited to join us in the main gathering on a Sunday
At the morning service & evening service, there will be creche facilities available for families with infants.
Preschoolers Program
(Toddlers need to be able to walk independently to attend program)
Kindy to Year 3 Program
Year 4 to 6 Program
Click here to join us for live streaming of our morning service.
If you are sick or unwell on any Sunday, please stay at home where you can live stream church online.
As you arrive to church on Sunday at Abbotsford:
There will be a welcome process where you will be required to check in using the QR code provided.
Face masks are required indoors
Cleaning will be done straight after every service.
Physical distancing will be practised at all times indoors and outdoors.
We will provide hand sanitisers for use and request this to be done as you enter the church and halls.